Energy meters are all read slightly differently, depending on the utility and type of meter installed at your property. Here is a guide on how to read your meter.
Heat Meter
Read the number on the display including any zeros from left to right. Ignore any numbers that are in red or are after a decimal point.
Example digital meter - meter read is: 002307

Example analogue meter - meter read is: 01405

Most domestic/residential meters measure energy in kWh. The unit of measure is usually displayed on the meter.
Water Meter
Read the numbers on the display including any zeros from left to right. The numbers with a black background represent the number of cubic meters (m3) measured by the meter. The numbers with a red background represent the number of litres (l) measured by the meter.
Example analogue water meter - meter read is: 07220

If you need any further information or assistance please get in touch.